

So it's the 1st of July here in Sunny (but bloody freezing) Auckland city and I thought to celebrate, even though Im not american, the first of July I'd post some of my new favorite pairs of Jeffrey Campbells in 'stars and stripes'. I LOVE the Lita's with the wooden heel which are some of the comfiest heels ever with a heel that high but my fav has to be the first photo I posted, the 'el carmens' with its classic pin-up platform. Enjoy



Deadly Ponies Autumn/Winter 2011 collection 'Egg, White and Blue' has to be my favorite so far..
Not only the color ways and the classic shape of these beautiful leather New Zealand made bags makes them to die for but the introduction of those cute furry tassle like add-ons to the bags.
I especially LOVE how you can buy a special furry little creature which you can clip on to whatever you like, whenever you like. Enjoy some of my favorites :)



Here are some surprisingly amazing mexican-esque Navajo style bags from Roxy California 2011 range. I don't say surprisingly because I underrate Roxy or undermine them as a brand I just never expected them to come up with stuff like this. The colors and Spanish influence I think makes these bags incredible, its like a perfect head on collision of Dazed and Confused meets Alaskan indian. Love them. Buy them here: http://au.roxy.com/



Biz Markie tonight at Zen in AKL, Wanna go sooo bad but cannot decide because i'm so tired#serzperazbeforeeveningwalk

Here are some shots I lykke like..


Here are some of my friend James Tolichs photo's.. Especially love crying bubba